Poke's Bizarre Adventure

Download Patched Pokemon Poke's Bizarre Adventure Rom

Version: Final (v1.1)

Updated: March 17, 2018

pokemon poke's bizarre adventure


(v1.1 Final)


Name: Pokemon Poke's Bizarre Adventure
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed
Language: English


Like any great story, it starts with a fever dream. A voice...
And it's saying something... get a Pikachu.
But not any Pikachu.. The best Pikachu around.

Thankfully, it just so happens, that a trainer called Leaf, just beat the Pokemon League recently, with a Pikachu. If you can get to her, you could be able to take the Pikachu she has.
So you go get your very first Pokemon, and the quest to get the Pikachu begins!
But looks like some people are after your Pokemon. They can be up to no good...


  • Overworld Pikachu sprite
  • One starter: Furret
  • Start at Celadon City
  • Two possible endings
  • No Pokemon catching
  • Gym battles are not the focus
  • Black out means a game over


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Manekimoney, DiegoisAwesome, DrFuji

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