Download Patched Pokemon DeltaGreen (Zenon Returns) Rom
Version: Beta 1.1.6
Updated: December 12, 2017

Name: Pokemon Delta Green
Type: GBA
Hack of: LeafGreen
Language: English
Creator: 3uminator
There is a rumour that Team Rocket has gotten control of a certain Legendary Pokemon. Giovanni tried to use this Pokemon to conquer the world, but it did not choose him as its leader for this very reason. Instead, it wishes to defeat a mystical human being called Zenon, who causes alot of havoc at Wilturf Silent. You will encounter Zenon early, and from then, a lot of things will start to happen involving Team Rocket, the Legendary Pokemon and much more.
- New storyline
- Heavily increased difficulty
- Take part in different events, and choose what you want to do
- Sidequests which will affect who you encounter on your journey
- Newer gen Pokemon and moves
- A lot of new routes and towns

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