Download Patched Pokemon Zaru Rom
Version: Completed
Updated: January 9, 2018

Name: Pokemon Zaru
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed
Language: English
Creator: Manekimoney
Pokemon Zaru is a ROM hack set in the familiar region of Kanto. But some things are different. In fact, all the 151 Pokemon are. But there is also one more thing. The region was taken over by Nazis. And guess who is gonna stop them? Ash Ketchu... I mean, you (the story isn't meant to be taken too seriously). The story is changed to fit the theme and every all 151 Fakemon are catchable in a single playthrough.
- 151 catchable Fakemon
- New story
- Modified old routes
- Increased difficulty
- Moves from newer generations
- Many good items held by wild Pokemon
- Weak HMs buffed
- Encounter rates in Mt. Moon, Diglett Cave and Rock Tunnel lowered

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